In English

Goldrich: UNSCR 2254 is the only solution in Syria

The US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Ethan Goldrich, confirmed that the UN Security Council Resolution is the only solution to the Syrian crisis.
Goldrich added that “his country is constantly monitoring the demonstrations in Suwayda province and supporting Syrians’ peaceful protests and freedom of speech for the dignity, freedom, and justice.

Goldrich also added that “The US condemns any violent act against those who peacefully call for respecting their firm rights. US also condemns the reports of Assad regime’s use of weapons to disperse the protesters, in addition to arresting dozens of civilians, including women, for exercising freedom of expression, according to “24 Suwayda” website.

Goldrich stated that that the justice and accountability for the violations and abuses committed against the Syrians are necessary to achieve a stable, just, and lasting peace that the Syrians need and deserve.

Goldrich made it clear that the United States still supports UNSC Resolution 2254, and the efforts of the UN envoy to Syria to provide a political solution to the crisis, including the Constitutional Committee.

Goldrich pointed out that the Assad regime remains the main obstacle to achieving progress towards a political solution to the conflict, stressing that the Assad regime must return to negotiations and enable its delegates to negotiate in good faith on behalf of the Syrian people, as indicated in UNSC Resolution 2254.

Goldrich stressed that the presence of US forces in Syria is for the sole purpose of enabling the ongoing campaign against ISIS, and that they are committed to maintaining their limited presence in northeastern Syria and Al-Tanf as part of a comprehensive strategy to ensure defeating ISIS.

Goldrich Clarified that the sanctions imposed on the Assad regime will remain in full force in the same form, and will not be eased in the absence of a solution to the main conflict in accordance with the principles stipulated in the UNSC Resolution 2254.

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