In English

Goldrich: Washington refuses to normalize relations with the Assad regime until there is meaningful progress

US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs responsible for the Syrian file, Ethan Goldrich, confirmed that the position of the United States is firm regarding normalization with the Assad regime.

Goldrich stated: “The US administration refuses to normalize relations with the Assad regime until there is meaningful progress.”

Regarding the failure to pass the Assad regime Anti-Normalization Act in the White House, Goldrich preferred not to comment on the outstanding legislations as a public issue.

Goldrich considered that the political solution in accordance with UNSCR 2254 remains the only viable solution to the Syrian conflict.

Goldrich pointed out that the US administration is working with its like-minded allies and partners as well as the Unites Nations to implement this resolution (UNSCR 2254).

Goldrich emphasized that the US administration focuses on achieving stability in Syria with pre-emptive policy to maintain ceasefire, ensuring the ISIS will not be able to return, and expanding the range of humanitarian aid access.

Goldrich stressed that many US government agencies are currently providing support to their partners in the region, to address the “Captagon” issue and other drug trafficking, including through information exchange and capacity building.

The US State Department Regional Spokesman, Samuel Warburg, previously confirmed that his country has not changed its policy concerning the Syrian file, and is still opposing normalization with the Assad regime.

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