In English

The International Commission of Inquiry: Syria remains unsafe for the return of refugees

The UN International Commission of Inquiry on Syria considered on Tuesday, 14 May 2024, that Syria is unsafe for mass return of refugees from Lebanon to Syria.

The Commission of Inquiry said in a post on “X” platform: “Syria remains unsafe for the return of refugees, and civilians inside it experience insecurity and the absence of law.”

The Commission’s previous statement came as a first comment on deporting a batch of Syrians from Lebanon. The Lebanese government facilitated the voluntary return of Syrian refugees on Tuesday, 14 May 2024, after the Lebanese General Security organized two travels, including about 460 refugees returning to Homs countryside and Qalamoun in Syria.

According to Lebanese news agency the first convoy consists of 300 Syrian refugees headed from “Wadi Hamid” in Arsal towards the illegal “Al-Zamrani” border crossing in Damascus countryside, while the other convoy set off from al-Bekaa area and entered Syria via al-Jusiya border crossing.

The International Commission of Inquiry confirmed in its report issued last March the continuation of arbitrary arrests, disappearances, and torture at the hands of Assad regime forces, with rising casualties in detention centers, especially Sednaya prison.

The report pointed out that Syrians are subjected to various types of violations in Assad regime-controlled areas, including prosecution and arrest for expressing their opinions or criticizing the living and economic status quo, in addition to the ongoing abduction and blackmail of detainees’ families by officers, and others.

It is noteworthy that the recent period witnessed a major escalation by Lebanese officials and politicians against Syrian refugees, as voices rose calling for their return to their country, regardless of the fate that awaits them. A committee was also assigned to visit Damascus and coordinate the return process with the Assad regime.

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