In English
أخر الأخبار

Iranian Foreign Ministry: Tehran is ready to help restore relations between Turkey and the Assad regime

Iran’s Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri said in a statement to CNN Turkish Channel: “Tehran is ready to help normalize relations between Turkey and Syria.”

Bagheri added: “The Assad regime participated several times in the Astana Process meetings with the participation of Iran, Turkey and Russia.”

Bagheri pointed out: “This is evidence of the parties’ desire for more interaction and cooperation between Damascus and Ankara, and Iran welcomes any initiative to start political interaction and is ready to mobilize all our means to establish it.”

The Foreign Minister of the Assad regime, Faisal al-Mekdad, had previously confirmed that “the main condition for any Syrian-Turkish dialogue is the withdrawal of Turkish forces from Syrian territory.”

Turkey entered Syria directly in 2016 to confront security threats from the Syrian Democratic Forces and ISIS, which led to Turkey taking control of a large area in northern Syria, through 3 military operations (Euphrates Shield, Olive Branch, and Peace Spring), which the Assad regime considers it an occupation.

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