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US: The Assad regime continues to blatantly ignore its obligations to UN resolutions

US Alternative Representative for Special Political Affairs, Robert Wood, confirmed that the Assad regime continues to blatantly ignore its obligations to comply with the Chemical Weapons Convention and Resolution 2118.

US Ambassador’s statements came during the UN Security Council briefing regarding the chemical weapons file in Syria in which he said: “the Assad regime has yet fully disclosed or destroyed its chemical weapons arsenal, nor has it accepted responsibility for the atrocities these weapons caused.”

Wood welcomed the work of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, which applies rigor in all its investigative efforts, and meticulously collects and analyzes evidence from a multitude of sources to reach irrefutable conclusions, pointing to the investigation into the Assad regime’s remaining capabilities in the field of chemical weapons in the face of its continued obfuscation.

Wood made it clear that work of the OPCW is important and necessary so those responsible for these attacks can be held accountable, stressing that there cannot be impunity for the use of chemical weapons.

Wood pointed out that “the United States is concerned over Assad regime maintaining the residual chemical weapons capabilities, while the OPCW continues to uncover new alarming evidence.’

Wood emphasized that “the United States will continue working with partners across the world to end the Assad regime’s chemical weapons program and promote accountability for the use of chemical weapons in Syria and elsewhere.”

Wood called on the Security Council members to fully and strongly implement this resolution, stressing that the report of the Investigation and Identification Team of OPCW, which found evidence of the use of chemical weapons by ISIS in Syria, is a strong reminder that chemicals falling into the wrong hands poses a real threat to everyone.

Wood stated that “the Conference of States of OPCW ad،opted the forward-looking decision invoking Article XII, paragraph 3 of the Chemical Weapons Convention recommending States Parties take “collective measures” to prevent the transfer to Syria of dual-use chemicals and equipment.”

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