In English

Clashes between local fighters and Assad regime forces in Daraa to release the detainees

“Ahrar Houran Gathering” reported that Enkhel city in northern Daraa witnessed sporadic clashes with light arms between local fighters and Assad regime forces.

The Gathering said: “The clashes took place in the surrounding of (State Security) center as a tool of coercion on Assad regime to release the young man Nasser Alaa al-Nasser who has been detained in Damasus countryside for 20 days.”

The Gathering added: “The Assad regime’s stalling prompted the people of Enkhel city to tighter control on (State Security) center, shooting towards the center and demanding the immediate release of al-Nasser, and threatening to escalate in case he was not release.”

The Gathering pointed out: “young men from Jassim city blocked the road linking Enkhel city with Jassim city and imposed a siege on al-Tayra checkpoint, demanding the release of three young men from Jassim city who have been recently detained at the Manket al-Hatab checkpoint.”

Families usually resort to detain officers and members of the Assad regime forces or besieging military checkpoints and security headquarters as a tool of coercion to release their detained sons.

It is noteworthy that arbitrary arrests against the people of Daraa Governorate have increased recently, as the Violations Documentation Office in the “Ahrar Houran Gathering” recorded 15 cases of arrests of people from Daraa Governorate at the hands of Assad regime forces during the month of last May.

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