In English

Assad regime forces were killed and injured in a qualitative operation of the revolutionary factions in Latakia countryside

Radio Fresh’s correspondent reported that the revolutionary factions carried out a qualitative operation on Assad regime’s positions in Ab Asaad hill in northern Latakia countryside, killing and injuring members of Assad regime forces.

Our correspondent said: “Al-Fath Al-Mubeen” Operation Room carried out the operation on points in which Assad regime stationed at Abu Asaad hill, killing and injuring members of Assad regime forces.

The correspondent added: The Lieutenant Aghid Bassam Safatli was among those who were killed. Pages loyal to the Assad regime published that he was killed on the Latakia countryside axis.

The “military media” of the revolutionary factions announced earlier during recent the months that members of Assad forces had been killed and wounded in qualitative operations on axes in the countryside of Idleb, Hama, Aleppo, and Latakia. The rebel factions in the “Al-Fath Al-Mubeen” Operation Room were able to snipe a number of soldiers on several axes in northwestern Syria.

It is noteworthy that several factions from the components of the “Al-Fath Al-Mubeen” Operation Room operating in Idleb and western Aleppo launched missile attacks, sniper operations and submergence operations, against the positions of Assad forces in the countryside of Idleb, Aleppo, Latakia and Hama, in response to committing massacres against civilians and bombing areas in northwestern Syria.

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