In English

Al-Hijri calls on the demonstrators in Suwayda to adhere to peaceful protests

The spiritual head of the Unitarian Druze sect, Sheikh Hikmat Al-Hijri, called on the demonstrators in Suwayda to adhere to peaceful protests, despite the Assad regime’s provocation.

Al-Hijri said in a video recording: “The Assad regime is acting as if nothing had happened, and continues to challenge the popular will, and is trying to undermine, betray, and sabotage it.”

Al-Hijri addressed the demonstrators, saying: “No matter how much the traitors try to lure you into taking up arms, you will remain loyal to the covenant of peace with which you took the street in the longest peaceful protest in history.”

Al-Hijri considered that “the facts that the people of Suwayda are calling for are revealed daily as proof of the corruption of some corrupt agencies and the assassination operations, which he described as exposed plays, no longer pass through the eyes of the people for anything other than their reality.”

Regarding what Al-Hijri described as the silent ones or the defenders of wrongdoing from the people of the governorate, he said: “You know that the policy and approach of tyranny and placing images and names in positions of leadership, such as councils, ministries, positions, and others, in order to deal with their successors and issue what a corrupt group wants, achieves its goals for itself and for external parties, and plunders wealth and tries to appear behind these names under the illusion that it is making laws and plans.”

Al-Hijri’s speech came days after the leader of the “Liwa al-Jabal Brigade” faction, Marhej Al-Jarmani, was assassinated in his home in the city of Suwayda in southern Syria, at a time when the people of the governorate continue their protests demanding political change and the overthrow of the Assad regime, for about 11 months.

The protests in the city square did not stop throughout the week, while activists from the city organized a central demonstration on Friday of every week, in which delegations from the villages and towns of As-Suwayda gathered, along with protesters from the city itself.

For about a year, Suwayda has witnessed daily protests calling for the implementation of UN Resolution 2254, which stipulates the achievement of a political solution in Syria. The protesters are demanding the departure of Bashar al-Assad and the overthrow of his regime.

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