In English

Jamous calls on US and UK to advance the Syrian file and political solution

The head of the Syrian Negotiation Commission, Badr Jamous, called on US and UK to advance the Syrian file and push forward the political solution in accordance with the international resolutions, confirming the need to continue supporting the Syrians in northern country and protect them in the asylum countries.

Jamous’s statement came during a phone call with the U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, Mr. Ethan Goldrich, in which he emphasized the need to continue supporting the Syrians in northern Syria and asylum countries.

The two sides talked about “the inevitability of political process in accordance with the international resolutions and the need for the international community to unite efforts to advance this file.”

Jamous considered that “the United States has a pivotal role in the Syrian issue, which greatly affecting it.”

Jamous affirmed that the Syrian Negotiation Commission is exerting all possible efforts to advance with all means the political solution in line with the international resolutions, and it is making efforts on the internal, local, external, and international levels.

Jamous urged the international community to use all available tools to impose sanctions on Assad regime and activate the mechanisms of holding it accountable for its crimes against the Syrians and prevent it from evading their implementation.

Jamous talked with the German side, Ann Snow, the UK representative for Syria, about the means to advance the political process in accordance with the international resolutions.

Jamous pointed out to the importance of European countries and United States to act at the Security Council level in order to push forward the Syrian file and the political solution in line with the international resolutions.

For his part, the US official stressed the United States’ firm support for reaching a just and comprehensive political solution in Syria, based on international resolutions, and its support for a Syrian-led political process facilitated by the United Nations to fully implement UNSCR 2254, which achieves the Syrian people’s legitimate aspirations for freedom, justice, and the end of oppression.

For its part, the UK representative for Syria, Ann Snow, stressed the necessity of proceeding with a political process in accordance with International Resolution 2254, and implementing this resolution fully and strictly. She emphasized her country’s position that rejects normalization with the Assad regime or the abolition of sanctions against it without taking clear and tangible steps towards a political solution in accordance with the international resolutions, as well as her country’s support for the legitimate demands of the Syrians.

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