In English

Washington expresses its concerns about the election of the Assad regime as a member of the Executive Council of the World Health Organization

Yesterday, Wednesday, the United States of America expressed its concerns about the choice of the Assad regime and Belarus to occupy two seats on the Executive Board of the World Health Organization, for a period of three years.

This came in a speech by the US State Department spokesman, during which he made it clear that the Assad regime and Belarus do not adhere to universal values ​​and human rights.

The spokesperson said: “Each Executive Board member has a mission to advance public health and is expected to uphold universal values ​​and human rights. This includes providing unimpeded access to life-saving humanitarian supplies, including medical supplies, regardless of where the beneficiaries reside,” noting that “the actions of the Assad regime and Belarus do not demonstrate this.

He added, “As we know, the Assad regime continues to obstruct the delivery of life-saving humanitarian aid to its citizens, in addition to targeting medical facilities and paramedics, and launching chemical weapons attacks against civilians.”

The spokesman explained that Belarus continues to mass arrests and other human rights violations against peaceful demonstrators, journalists and other civilians in Belarus.

“Although the United States is not currently part of the Executive Board, it will closely monitor the Board’s activities and make clear US expectations that Board members will adhere to the highest standards of human rights and unrestricted access to humanitarian assistance,” he stressed.

“Washington will continue to monitor and press for reforms in the World Health Organization to increase transparency and accountability,” the spokesperson concluded.

Source: agencies

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