In English

Three US soldiers were killed in an Iranian attack on a base in northeast Jordan near the Syrian border.

Three US soldiers were killed and 34 others were injured on Sunday, 28 January 2024, in an attack linked to Iranian militant militia targeted a US military outpost on the Syrian-Jordanian border.

Reuters News Agency quoted a US official as saying: “The US casualties due to the attack increased, and there 34 US troops suffered serious concussion.”

US president Joe Biden held Iran-backed militant groups operating in Syria and Iraq responsible for the attack.

Biden said in an official statement published by the White House: “The heart of the United States is heavy with sadness today, last night, 3 US service members were killed and many were injured during a drone attack on our troops stationed in northeast Jordan near the Syrian border.”

Biden added: “While we are still gathering the facts of this attack, we know that it was carried out by radical Iranian-backed militant groups operating in Syria and Iraq.”

Biden vowed to hold those responsible for the attack accountable at a time and in a manner that Washington chooses.

For its part, Iran’s mission to the United Nations said in a statement today Monday that Tehran had no connection with the attack that killed three US soldiers in northeast Jordan near the Syrian border.

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