In English

A Syrian refugee achieves first place in the College of Media in Jordan

The Syrian refugee in Jordan, Abd al-Rahman Zain al-Abidin, ranked first in the Faculty of Mass Communication – Yarmouk University, after graduating with a major in journalism.
Zain al-Abidin said on his Facebook page: that he got an average of 96.1 percent, and achieved first place and honors.

He dedicated his superiority to the Syrian revolution and the students who were denied the Assad regime from completing their education, and added, “To our Syrian the souls of the Syrian students whom Bashar al-Assad has rewarded with murder, led by my brothers Ammar and those students whom Bashar has denied knowledge by arrest and displacement.
To those who tried to cross the sea, carrying their certificates in their pockets, perhaps it would be an intercessor for them in completing their studies, so their documents arrived and they did not reach those who were deprived of poverty and prevented by circumstances from completing their studies.

It is noteworthy that last year, the Syrian student, Sarah Ahmed Al-Otari, obtained the degree of excellence at the level of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, in the General Secondary Certificate.

Many Syrian refugee students in the Arab countries and Turkey, in addition to Europe and Western countries, have obtained grades and rates that have surpassed their peers from the countries of asylum, and at various levels of study, university and pre-university.

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