In English

Israeli airstrikes target positions of Assad regime and Iranian militias in southern Damascus

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) confirmed Tuesday, January 30, that Israeli missiles targeted two military positions of Assad regime and Iranian militias in Daraa countryside, southern Syria.

SOHR made it clear that one of the missiles fell on Tal al-Jomoa and another one fell on near Nafea village in the area of Yarmouk Basin opposite to Jolan. However, no human casualties were reported.

SOHR explained that the Israeli shelling was a reprisal against launching at least three missiles on the region of Jolan occupied by Israel.

Assad regime media outlets quoted a military source as claiming that civilians were killed and injured due to Israeli shelling on points in southern Damascus.

The source affirmed that the air attack, which took place noon on Monday and came from the direction of Jolan, also caused material losses.

SOHR stated that seven people, including two Syrians, were killed due to the shelling on Al-Sayeda Zainab area in southern Damasus, and it is likely to have targeted commanders at the Iranian revolutionary guards, which Israel frequently targets them in Syria.

Israeli airstrikes frequently target the positions of Assad regime forces and Iranian militias, mostly led to human casualties and massive material losses in the targeted areas.

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