In English

The US State Department confirmed that Wuhan laboratory employees had symptoms of Corona before it was registered

The US State Department said that workers at the Virus Research Institute in Wuhan were suffering from symptoms of the Corona virus, weeks before it was reported that the Chinese authorities began recording infections with it.

And the US State Department confirmed, there is reason to believe that many researchers inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) contracted the disease in the fall of 2019, several weeks before China confirmed that it is treating cases of the emerging coronavirus that has become known as Covid-19.

She indicated that the research included RaTG13, the bat corona virus that was identified as the closest sample to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19.
According to the ministry, Chinese researchers have conducted studies on “corona viruses taken from animals under conditions that increase the risk of accidental exposure to the virus.”

Source: Agencies

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