In English

World Food: The “conflict” in Syria has caused devastating humanitarian conditions for civilians

The United Nations World Food Program confirmed that Syrians have been living in the worst humanitarian conditions for ten years, indicating that millions in Syria have slipped into the abyss of hunger during the past year.

“The conflict has taken a heavy toll on the Syrian people,” said the representative and regional director of the World Food Program in Syria, Sean O’Brien, adding that “every day, more Syrians are being pushed towards hunger and poverty, and families face impossible choices.”

He pointed out that “the Syrians face multiple shocks, including the collapse of the Syrian pound, and the impact on the prices of basic commodities, as well as the ongoing hostilities, large-scale displacement, and the Corona pandemic.”

The recent evaluation conducted by the program indicates that “12.4 million Syrians, or about 60% of the population, suffer from food insecurity and hunger at the present time, which is double the number recorded in 2018, as food prices increased by more than 200% just during the past year.

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