In English

The international coalition is pushing military reinforcements to eastern Syria

Russia Today reported that the US-led international coalition sent, on Sunday, the third military convoy within a week to northeastern Syria, coming from the Kurdistan region of Iraq, through the Al-Walid border crossing.

The website stated that the convoy was loaded with logistical equipment, military vehicles, fuel tanks and sealed containers, and that it headed to the bases of the coalition and the Syrian Democratic Forces in the governorates of Deir Ezzor and Hasaka.

And local websites, including Al-Khabour, reported last Saturday that the international coalition sent a convoy of weapons and logistical aid to its military base in the “Koniko” field in the northeast of Deir Ezzor Governorate.

Last Thursday, the Euphrates Post website and other local websites indicated that an international coalition convoy of about 70 trucks, including logistical and military equipment, had arrived from northern Iraq through the Al-Walid port, and headed towards the American bases in Hasaka and Deir Ezzor provinces.

Last Thursday, the deputy head of the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria, Admiral Alexander Karpov, expressed Russia’s concern about the increase in the international coalition forces’ movements in the eastern regions of Syria, saying: “The practices of the American military leadership in the areas east of the Euphrates are causing harm.
Dangerous the prospects for a political settlement in Syria.

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