In English

Walid Jumblatt to the Lebanese authorities: Stop supporting the Assad regime through smuggling operations

Walid Jumblatt, head of the Lebanese Progressive Socialist Party, and the leader of the Druze community, called on the Lebanese authorities to stop the increasing smuggling operations to Syria.

Jumblatt said in a tweet via his official account on Twitter: “The smuggling of oil derivatives, medicine and food from Lebanese territory to Syria feeds the Assad regime’s budget.”

He added: “The Assad regime is deliberately raising fuel prices in its areas of control, and is benefiting from the smuggling operations that take place from Lebanon.

He pointed out that the Assad regime feeds its budget at the expense of the Lebanese citizen as a result of the theft of oil, medicine and flour traders.

The value of goods of various kinds smuggled from Lebanon to Syria exceeded $20 billion in five years, according to Al Arabiya Net.

Lebanese cities are witnessing successive economic crises due to the increasing collapse of the Lebanese pound against the US dollar as a result of the continuation of Western sanctions imposed on some political and military blocs.

The “Hezbollah” militia is active in smuggling oil, food and medicine from Lebanon to Syria, which has negatively affected the Lebanese citizens and caused the emergence of many economic crises.

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