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UN warns of looming humanitarian crisis for Syrian refugees in Jordan

UN warned of approaching humanitarian crisis for Syrian refugees in Jordan, in coincidence with a decline in humanitarian aid and relief efforts in the region.

UNHCR Representative to Jordan, Dominik Bartsch, said that the evidence shows that the situation has worsened and become more likely to slide again into humanitarian crisis.

Bartsch made it clear that the economists and statisticians reflect the severity of the crisis in digits, and “there are families in Jordan have to take recently impossible options.”

Bartsch called on the international community, donors, and funders to double their efforts to mitigate the impact of the crisis on the refugees in the region.

Bartsch signaled that his country’s generous stance towards the refugees deserve to be recognized again again, according to Jordanian TV channel Al-Mamlaka.

Bartsch’s statements comes after the WFP announced to suspend its food assistance, which reach to nearly 100000 Syrian refugees in Jordan set at the beginning of next month.

It is noteworthy that the international donors at VIII Brussels conference on supporting the future of Syria and the region raised financial aid worth €7.5 billion in grants to help Syrian refugees.

The United Nations also expressed its hope that the Brussels conference would be able to raise more than $4 billion in life-saving aid to support nearly two-thirds of the 16.7 million Syrians in need, whether inside or outside Syria.

Despite all the pledges, Syrian organizations and international sponsors are still suffering from the problem of countries not fulfilling their financial pledges.

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